How Can the MB-S18 Screening Bucket Help You Finish Your Project?

There are two words everyone likes to hear regarding their methods on job site:
efficient and cost-effective

While being efficient and cost-effective is achievable, there are always factors keeping a job site from reaching that, such as needing to purchase new material, using trucks to transport material, and waiting on said trucks to arrive to the site, leave, and come back.
Even processing material on site with a stationary screener is difficult when the project requires mobility.

Mobile units on the job site become a necessity, rather than an option, to complete a project.

Within MB Crusher’s range of attachments, the Screening Bucket can turn any heavy machinery into a mobile screener. Like the other lines, the MB-S and MB-LS Screening Bucket lines are meant to have multiple application areas such as quarries, mines, and urban construction sites.

By having an MB Crusher unit on site, you eliminate worrying about when a truck will arrive, or how long it will take to fix a machine when it breaks down. Which is the common reason why our clients gravitate toward the screening bucket, particularly the MB-S18 when they are constructing pipelines and need to create fill.

Our client in Turkey wanted to use material they had on site as fill, but had no way to separate the larger rock from the fines. With the pipeline project spanning 430 miles, downtime wasn’t doable; they needed a way to do the project without waiting for trucks and processing material on site was the best solution.

The problem with their plan? They didn’t have a mobile screener. Without it, purchasing new material and waiting for trucks to arrive becomes unavoidable.   After considering their options and factoring in how long they would need to wait for trucks, they turned to MB Crusher for a solution.

On the same project as our clients in Turkey, a customer in Azerbaijan also wanted to use the material available to them, but had different needs – their material had several different sized rocks, making it difficult to use the same sized screens as the company in Turkey.

They had heard of MB Crusher’s screener and wanted to see what their options were for different screens, so they spoke to one of our specialists to find out if one of our screeners was the best choice for their job site.

The answer to their question was simple: MB Crusher’s screening buckets come with interchangeable panels.

Both clients purchased the MB-S18 for their respective sites and separated the material to be able to use the fines as fill for the pipeline. Not only that, but they were part of the 13 MB-S18 Screening Buckets to work on the South Caucasus Pipeline Project.

Much like our clients in Turkey and Azerbaijan, we had a client in Vaca Muerta, Argentina working to build a pipeline for the largest reservoir of shale oil and shale gas in the Argentine Patagonia. With the pipeline running for about 621 miles, there were several companies working on the project; when we visited one of our customers, we soon discovered the job sites all had something in common: the MB-S18.

With no other brand of Screening bucket working on the pipeline and so many companies using MB Crusher’s unit, we wanted to see what they thought. Companies such as Servicios Santa Monica in Añelo, GM of Maud, EDVSA, Techint Ingenieria y Construccion of Neuquén, and others all had positive things to say about using the MB-S18 on this pipeline project but other projects:
• With the MB-S18, they’ve been productive;
• Even with a stationary screening plant, the practical option is still the MB-S18 and does 80% of the work for their trenching projects;
• By processing everything on site, they no longer needed to transport material on and off site 4-5 times a day;
• The MB-S18 Screening Bucket doesn’t need to have multiple staff members monitoring it, just the operator.

The last pipeline project was located away from city life, between Malaga and Marbella in Spain. Although it made sense for our client to worry about how their equipment was going to arrive to their job site, their concerns were focused on whether or not it was small enough to maneuver up and down the length of the pipe, which was surrounded by plant life, without sacrificing their efficiency. With the limited space, they knew they couldn’t use trucks to bring in the material or utilize a stationary screening plant.

With some research, they found MB Crusher and contacted us to find out which screening bucket is the best fit for their project.

They actually used two MB Crusher machines: a Crusher Bucket and the MB-S18 to help finish the pipeline. Since the two attachments are compact, they didn’t need to worry about space. With the two portable units, they were able to crush the different kinds of material from their excavated trench – the finer and coarser material – and use it to cover the pipes.

As one of the units in MB Crusher’s range of attachments, the Screening Bucket MB-S18 is meant to be a solution for difficult problems on the job site.

By relying on MB’s screening buckets, you’ll have a versatile piece of equipment and can focus on finishing your project.

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